Saturday, December 20, 2008

Sin and Mortar

And there she stands a pillar/ a statue of salt/ she had to turn around and insult the Lord/
indeed my love/ she's earned her reward/ aboard the sailing ship I find the winds are
colder than before/ before I lost the one I love/ the one I mentioned above/ Sodom and
Gomorrah are an entwined evil empire of sin and mortar/ who's future's over because of it/
With whom with faith should I withdraw/ my flower's withered when I withheld the living water
from within the Spirit of my God/ I saw the fear in faces frowning/ churchly folks in baptismal s
splashing/ in earthly shackles punished with embedding lashings/ this technological system's
crashing/ and the old and grey in shining shoes are looking to cash in/ and bring back in their
inheritance/ to whom should I turn among these heretics?

(This piece transitions from a calm cadence to a more tongue twisting picture painting style. It's
about the sinful nature of man and the feeling that there is no escape from an unjust world.)

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