Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Mystery Of Adam Baum

One time/ when Adam was young/ he was running home and tripped and fell on top his head/ he's never been the same since them/ and just when his parents thought he had returned to normal/ he claimed that he was friends with the paranormal/ paranoid his parents called the exorcist/ the priest/ in order to prevent this invisible beast from feasting on their sons young but troubled mind/ compelling the ghost to leave in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost/ He made the most of what he knew but nothing worked and that's the truth/ Regardless of what the youth around him said/ Adam Baum was brilliant but they looked right through him/ he was avoided like the plague/ as if he was some sort of cosmic mistake/ A fake/ he learned to take his powers and amaze his class/ the students too afraid to ask from where he was or if he would like to play/ instead he was utterly alone/ the last time anyone saw him/ he performed his first miracle/ as his mother was washing his face/ he vanished without a trace/

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