Wednesday, March 25, 2009


You've skillfully evoked my interest and piqued my curiosity to the tipping point/ where I foolishly and hopelessly hand over my uniquely woven soul just to see inside your mysterious and magical world/ Then in a flash you turn your back and reject me and betray my trust/ I eagerly long to be a part of who you are and you could not care less if only you'd try/ and this is how well meaning chaps and lads like myself become faceless/ deranged, estranged and hopeless/ If you look outside the iron shades you've drawn/ you'll see the vast array of faceless faces staring/ peering back at you, inside you/ and that is why you live in fear of the multitudes of those you've hurt outside/ they're out there are waiting/ they'll always be waiting/ your time is coming...

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