Thursday, November 11, 2010

Elegy of you...

My memoir of you/ my wistful muse/ my song for you/ and like rhythmic strophes/
it comes in two's/ strophic distich/ I miss your expression/ i miss your
pitch/ I bask in the arsis of your irrecoverable paroxysms/ of erratic
song and laughter/ it's your love I'm after/ and how do I feel so obsolete/
so peculiar and incomplete/ how can I compete with your successive and irregular
whims/ I'm dreamily nostalgic of your pensive charm/ your epic limerick/
and your words like couplets/ your confabulation pastoral and rythmic/ I miss this
way we used to speak in code/ our idiom enduringly embodied britannic culture/
and now that you're gone/ my elegy of you imbues your carpe diem restrained
to classicism/ here lies the one I loved/ my epitaph/ my epithalamium for our
afterlife/ my ode to the one I once loved/ I grip our romanticism with kid gloves/
it's an epic utterance of a love that once was/now shattered...

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